Assignment Submission Instructions (Fall 2017)

All assignment submission for OMS CS6750 is executed through T-Square. After logging into T-Square, click Assignments on the left. Here, you will find a list of every deliverable in the class, as well as its due date.

Assignments Involving a Deliverable

Most assignments in this class involve submitting some kind of deliverable, including all the early assignments, the personal question, the proposal, the intermediate milestones, and the final project. For these, you should open the assignment page, upload the deliverable, and click submit.

Only submit single PDF files as deliverables. While Peer Feedback now supports batch-upload of other file types, there are strict limits on file size, which makes it easier to just stick to PDFs; so for each assignment, you should submit one PDF file. Your PDF file should be less than 8MB. If you need to shrink it, we suggest using SmallPDF.

For some assignments, however, you might need to include other types of files. For example, you might choose to do a video prototype. In these cases, the PDF you submit should contain instructions for accessing the rest of your deliverable, which should be uploaded separately. You can upload it separately to your folder on T-Square in the Resources folder, or you can upload it to your own web site or any file upload service. For example, you may upload videos to YouTube and include a link to the video in your PDF submission.

So, to summarize: for each assignment involving a deliverable, upload a single PDF under 8MB. If you need more files or other types of files, upload them elsewhere, and upload for the deliverable a PDF with instructions on accessing the other types of files.

Assignment Grading

All assignments in this class will be graded on a traditional A-F scale based on the extent to which your deliverable met expectations. Due to T-Square restrictions, your grade will be provided on a 5-point scale: a ‘5’ is an A, a ‘4’ is a B, a ‘3’ is a C, a ‘2’ is a D, a ‘1’ is an F, and a ‘0’ is a failure-to-submit. For numeric calculations, each ‘A’ is calculated as a 95, each ‘B’ as an 85, each ‘C’ as a 75, each ‘D’ as a 65, and each ‘F’ as a 55. Assignments that are not submitted at all will be calculated as a 0.